Andrew & Taylor

August 24, 2024 • Manistee, MI

Andrew & Taylor

August 24, 2024 • Manistee, MI

Our Story

Our First Date

Picture of Our First Date

Three years ago, way back in 2021, we met for our first date in Traverse City, MI at La Señorita restaurant. We were both so excited to finally meet each other, and I'd like to think we hit things off pretty well, considering we are now getting married! A year after this fun first date we both ended up in Manistee together owning a home and working as nurses. Since then we've had so much fun together. We love seeing new places and try to travel every chance we get. We also spend a lot of time loving our two precious dogs, Roxy and Katara. We are both so excited to spend the rest of our lives together, and would love for you to come celebrate our wonderful wedding day with us!